On Aug 20 14:59, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > In the long run, it would be cool if the script would be domain aware,
> > of course, but there might be some tweaking of tools necessary before
> > we can do that.
> Yes, but I'm afraid I will be completely at the mercy of PTC for that,
> as I have no access to a domain server.

What about just installing Windows 2008 as domain controller?


How to extend the trial period to 240 days:


> > Other than that, I think it looks good now.  I attached a patch to
> > accomplish the above.
> I've applied a variant of your patch. Main difference:
> Rather than this:
> -    [ "x${unpriv_user_in_passwd}" = "xyes" -a "x${unpriv_user_in_sam}"
> = "xyes" ] && return 0
> +    [ "x${unpriv_user_in_passwd}" = "xyes" -o "x${unpriv_user_in_sam}"
> = "xyes" ] && return 0
> I did this:
> +    [ "x${unpriv_user_in_passwd}" = "xyes" ] && return 0
> (a) if it was already in passwd, we want to return 0
> (b) else if it was already in SAM, we've added it to passwd and set this
> variable.
> (c) else if it didn't exist at all, we've created the user AND added it
> to passwd, and set this variable.
> Basically, by this point a valid user ought to be in /etc/passwd. If
> not, THAT is the error.
> I'll roll 0.1.8 momentarily. (Hoping no brown-bags...)

Cool, thanks!


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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