Christopher Faylor wrote:
For the time being, you should be able to dump the mount table to a .bat
file with "mount -m" and then run the .bat on the system that has the
copied installation.
This technique probably won't work in Cygwin 1.7.x when it is released,
Funny enough, this is the kind of problem that is solved by being able
to run the Cygwin setup from the command line.
On my own system, I keep a downloaded repository in a special folder
that is shared read-only with other computers on the network.
When I want to roll out my standard Cygwin install on other machines,
which may be vmWare machines or other developer's machines, I just
give them my specially patched setup.exe that accepts package names
and a batch file that runs setup and requests the packages needed for
a clean install plus a few extra packages.
Run the batch file, and presto, each developer has the same basic set of
packages without monkeying around with the GUI.
Cheers, Ralph
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