Hi everyone,

I recently had upgraded my installation of the joe editor, to the most
current (3.5-2).

I noticed that when I started editing files in the new version, the syntax
highlighting was gone (!) no matter what I tried: On/Off for Highlighting
(^T, H), Playing around with TERM values, and forcing syntax rules (^T, Y).
It was when I suspected that something about the location of files were
wrong: no matter what I fed in the syntax prompt, it always gave me the ' '

Some quick research showed me that the sources refer to something equivalent
to "%JOERC%syntax/*.jsf" (where JOERC is the dir for system-wide joerc).
Well that is not how the package is layed out, but is surely the root of the
problem: when I ran

ln -s /usr/share/joe/syntax /etc/joe/syntax

...all the magic colors were back :)

So, am I crazy? Because this package is some months old by now, and I didnt
found anyone complaining about this...

Anyway, I hope I've helped more with the same problem, even if they are all
hybernating :)
Julio Costa

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