I just noticed a typo that was returned on the 'cygrunsrv -VQ sshd' command.
 The environment line came back as "CYGWIN="htsec tty"".   I then ran

 cygrunsrv -R sshd

followed by

 cygrunsrv -I sshd -p /usr/sbin/sshd -a '-D' -d 'CYGWIN sshd' -e
tty' -y tcpip

and then

cygrunsrv -VQ sshd

which gave me

Service             : sshd
Display name        : CYGWIN sshd
Current State       : Stopped
Command             : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path          : /dev/null
stdout path         : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path         : /var/log/sshd.log
Environment         : CYGWIN="ntsec tty"
Process Type        : Own Process
Startup             : Automatic
Dependencies        : tcpip
Account             : LocalSystem

To be less verbose, sshd still doesn't start.  I still get error 1062 when
trying to start it with cygrunsrv.

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