
Thanks for the feedback.

It turns out that I was accidentally specifying the installed_files
location as the Cygwin install root location during the extended
setup. As a result, the non-default binaries were getting placed under
installed_files instead of ...\cygwin\bin.

My apologies.

Everything seems to be functioning as expected now except that it
appears that some perl binaries in the installed_files location have
installed themselves as Windows services (my fault for trying to see
what happens if I execute perl.exe directly). As a result, I am unable
to delete a specific subfolder under installed_files. No biggie, but I
would like to clean up the unneccessary files under installed_files.
I've tried cleaning up the Windows registry and that allowed me to
delete most of the files. However, some files remain (they must still
be in use)and I am also worried about any other possible side-effects.
I tried booting XP in safe mode with command prompt but still wasn't
able to delete that last set of files.



On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Puneet Singh Lamba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark,
> Many thanks for the response.
> When I installed Cygwin, I had used the view "Category" and clicked on
> "Default" next to "All" at the root of the tree so that it would
> change to "Install".
> My understanding is that doing so should install everything available
> on the mirror from which you are installing.
> I performed the check you recommended. When I toggle the view to
> "Uninstalled" I only see five obscure packages listed and the list
> does not include "perl" or "util-linux". However, I do see these two
> packages listed when I toggle the view to either "Category" or "Full".
> And the "New" column is set to "Keep" in both cases. This seems to
> suggest that these libraries are indeed installed. Do you agree?
> If so, then it would appear as if somehow they are not on the PATH.
> Again, here is the output I get when I do "echo $PATH".
> /cygdrive/c/oraclexe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/sy
> stem32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/Program
> Files/Intel/Wireless/Bin/:/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin:/cygdrive/c/apache-ant-1.6.5/b
> in:/cygdrive/c/jvmstat/bat:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Common Files/Roxio 
> Shared/D
> LLShared/:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Common Files/Roxio 
> Shared/DLLShared/:/cygdri
> ve/c/Program Files/Common Files/Roxio 
> Shared/9.0/DLLShared/:/cygdrive/c/Program
> Files/QuickTime/QTSystem/
> I see that perl.exe is located here:
> C:\cygwin\installation_files\\release\perl\bin
> There is a cygwin.bat one folder up that seems to do a chdir to
> ...\perl\bin prior to lauching Cygwin. But bash is still not able to
> find perl. And in any case, I'd like to be able to start Cygwin in one
> consistent manner and have it find everything that is installed.
> Do I need to adjust the PATH? If so, how do I find out what to add to
> the PATH for util-linux and perl?
> By the way, I also just reinstalled perl, just to make sure. And I
> still see perl.exe only in the installation_files tree, not in
> cygwin/bin, where I am hoping to see it.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Puneet

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