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Christopher Faylor wrote:
| On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 01:32:29PM -0400, Robert Pendell wrote:
|> Christopher Faylor wrote:
|>> I am running a new mirror checker on the cygwin web site.  It should do
|>> a much better job of finding valid mirrors.  The mirror check process
|>> now runs multiple times a day validating that files on the mirrors are
|>> up to date.
|>> There is still a hole between the time where package maintainer updates
|>> a package on the main cygwin site and the mirror grabs the package.  So
|>> we still can't guarantee that the mirror list contains 100% accurate
|>> data.  Hopefully we won't have situations where mirrors are just
|>> garbage now, however.  On closer inspection of the old mirror checker,
|>> I found a few cases where it would interpret information incorrectly
|>> when it was scanning a mirror for valid files, leaving the mirror list
|>> in an incorrect state.
|>> The new mirror checker returns better errors so I was actually able to
|>> resurrect a few mirrors which had moved the location of the cygwin
|>> mirror directory on their site.  There are also a few mirrors which
|>> inexplicably only contain a subset of the cygwin release directory.  I
|>> guess I'll eventually just remove them from the master list entirely.
|>> If you think there are problems with the new list please continue to
|>> send them here.  If you register as a new mirror please send email to
|>> sourcemaster .
|> Just curious but is there a typical time when the master server
|> updates?  ~ This way I may be able to synchronize my mirror as closely
|> as possible to it as soon as possible.  As of right now the server
|> updates 9AM UTC every day.
| "master server updates"?  The definitive source for the cygwin release
| is cygwin.com.  The cygwin release directory there is updated whenever a
| new package is uploaded.
| Maybe you need to read the second paragraph again.
| cgf

I use rsync://sourceware.org/cygwin-ftp as my retrieval location.  It
was updated relatively quickly and there seemed no issue for this to be
used.  Is this not correct?  To me this only made sense since
sourceware.org is where a majority of the mirrors seem to reflect.
Anyways you answered my question.  Thanks.

- --
Robert Pendell

"A perfect world is one of chaos."

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