Andrew DeFaria wrote:
Gary Johnson wrote:
Are you using ClearCase on Windows, or just ClearCase on Unix? We use
both at work. I found that I couldn't execute "cleartool edcs" in rxvt
because cleartool apparently requires a Windows Console. The editor
(vim) ran fine, but the screen filled with a bunch of garbage when I
closed vim. Are you able to run "cleartool edcs" in rxvt or ssh?
One must remember when using rxvt that it uses ptys. Many Windows
programs don't understand ptys. Cleartool is one of them. Try just
typing in cleartool in an rxvt Window. You'll never see the prompt.
Luckily I, and apparently you, rarely type in cleartool then enter in
commands. You probably have your ct alias which is common. So then you
do ct ls or ct lsview or ct checkout or ct co... etc. You then never hit
the problem with ptys.
ct edcs then introduces the problem because it effectively does:
$ ct catcs > /tmp/$$
$ vim /tmp/$$
$ # check that file has changed and offer to setcs
$ ct setcs /tmp/$$
So then you could do, roughly, the above (which is what I do) or perhaps
script it.
Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the information. Was wondering
why the ct cmd prompts don't appear in rxvt until after I hit return,
then it's too late (but defaults have been OK so far).
Just thought I would add that I have no problem using gvim as editor
when doing "ct edcs" command in cygwin. However, I realize this violates
the purity of a console only implementation :).
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