René Berber wrote:
Daniel Barclay wrote:

What causes rxvt to switch to displaying characters with lots of space in between them?

The font it's using.

I heard that there's some interaction between X11-mode rxvt setup and plain-window rxvt setup. I don't think I've installed any X11 libraries, servers, or even
fonts since rxvt was working right, but now rxvt is acting up again.

You have to check what's the default font [1] or if you changed it [2].

Damn!  It just changed again.

The main question question is why it keeps changing when I running the CygWin
installer even though I don't (as far as I know) touch its font settings or
touch the installer settings for which fonts are installed.

How do I get it to behave consistently (well, consistently with a good font,
rather than consistentl with a bad font).


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