I am afraid I am running for the most stupid question award but I give it a try
I installed Cygwin on WindowsXP with the setup program from the Cygwin.COM. I
used the program yesterday to get the latest updates. 
Now I try to compile PSPP (a statistical package) with Cygwin.  But ./Configure
  configure: error: The following required prerequisites are not installed.
          You must install them before PSPP can be built:
                  gtk+ 2.0 v2.12.0 or later (or use --without-gui)
                  libglade 2.0 (or use --withput-gui) 

The latest is a bug the report should say libglade 2.6.

When I check the versions within cygwin:
  pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0          result:  2.6.10
  pkg-config --modversion libglade-2.0     result:  2.5.1
After that I googled checked the mailing list etc. But I can't find a clue how
to get the newer gtk+ en libglade version in my cygwin installation.
Who can give me a hint how to update to the required versions?
Thanks for any answer.

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