>>>>> Charles Wilson writes:

    > I don't know what else to do here. Unless I can reproduce it, I can't
    > debug it. The only possibility I can think of is this: are you
    > actually using alternatives-1.3.29a-1, or some older version?  The
    > previous version had a serious bug in a routine called by --display...

Yes I'm using the latest.

I tried to debug this myself with the following file :

-------------------- snip -------------------

-------------------- snip -------------------

This is the relevant code block in alternatives.c where the above file 
gets read by the function readConfig (buf should hold the contents of the above 
after the do loop):

    totalBytesRead = 0;
    numBytesRead = 0;
    buf = NULL;
          curBufSz *= 2;

       buf = realloc(buf, curBufSz + 1);

       bufp = buf + totalBytesRead;
       numBytesRead = read(fd, bufp, curBufSz - totalBytesRead);

       /* don't add '-1' ! */
       if (numBytesRead > 0)
           totalBytesRead += numBytesRead;
    while (numBytesRead > 0);

insight --args /misc/src/alternatives-1.3.29a-1/build/alternatives.exe 
--display gs

(gdb) p numBytesRead 
$28 = 32

(gdb) p totalBytesRead 
$29 = 0

(gdb) p curBufSz 
$30 = 32

(gdb) p bufp
$31 = 0x6649e8 "auto\n/usr/bin/gs\n\n/usr/bin/gs-x1"

(gdb) p buf
$32 = 0x6649e8 "auto\n/usr/bin/gs\n\n/usr/bin/gs-x1"

(gdb) p totalBytesRead 
$33 = 32

(gdb) p numBytesRead 
$34 = 32

(gdb) p curBufSz
$35 = 32

(gdb) p curBufSz
$36 = 64

(gdb) p numBytesRead
$37 = 5

(gdb) p bufp
$38 = 0x664a08 "1\n20\nµ"

(gdb) p buf
$39 = 0x6649e8 "auto\n/usr/bin/gs\n\n/usr/bin/gs-x11\n20\nµ"

and then later on in parseLine after a while:


and boom...

It looks like something went wrong in line 219

numBytesRead = read(fd, bufp, curBufSz - totalBytesRead);

Also numBytesRead=5, bufp="1\n20\nµ" instead of "1\n20\n"

I have no idea where the µ comes from.

Running alternative on one of your packages is fine:

03:32 PM [519]> alternatives.exe --display urxvt
urxvt - status is auto.
 link currently points to /usr/bin/urxvt-X
/usr/bin/urxvt-X - priority 30
 slave urxvtc: /usr/bin/urxvtc-X
 slave urxvtd: /usr/bin/urxvtd-X
Current `best' version is /usr/bin/urxvt-X.


04:18 PM [520]> alternatives.exe --display unison
path to alternate expected in /var/lib/alternatives/unison

also fails for me. My Berkeley db packages are also fine.

The strange thing is it worked at one point, when I FIRST installed 
ghostscript-8.62-1 and alternatives was setup via postinstall scripts.

After the upgrade to ghostscript-8.62-2, no chance....


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