libtool1.5 packages are now 'libtool' (current)
libtool2.2 packages are now 'libtool' (testing)
libltdl3 (the runtime library from libtool-1.5) is unchanged
libltdl7 (the runtime library from libtool-2.2) is unchanged
Required User Action
Hopefully, none. The next time you run setup, both libtool1.5 and
libtool2.2 will be smoothly updated to (a single) version of the new
'libtool' package. By default, this will be one derived from the
libtool-1.5.x series, unless you choose 'testing'.
In the past, to support multiple, simultaneously installed versions of
the autotools, these packages' names were modified to indicate their
versions. That is,
autoconf2.1-2.13-1 contained autoconf-2.13
autoconf2.5-2.61-1 contained autoconf-2.61
the package name. Note that in this case, because the autoconf-2.6x
releases are compatible with the 2.5x releases, the package name is
'autoconf2.5' even though the actual version number is 2.61.
Similarly, the automake packages:
automake1.4-1.4p6-1 contained automake-1.4-pre6
automake1.9-1.9.6-1 contained automake-1.9.6
the package name.
The autoconf and automake packages have not been changed, and will
continue the practice described above.
However, for the last several years, libtool has been distributed as
libtool1.5-1.5.23a-1 which contains libtool-1.5.23(alpha)
the package name.
This was in the (vain) hope that when libtool-2.0 (or -2.2) was
released, cygwin could support the simultaneous installation of multiple
versions of libtool. However, as there WAS no official libtool-2.x
release, the issue was moot.
Now that the upstream libtool maintainers have produced an official
libtool-2.2 release, it has become apparent that
(1) libtool-1.5 and libtool-2.2 cannot both be installed on the same
machine, in the same --prefix, at the same time.
(2) this is not likely to change before libtool-3.0 if even then
(3) therefore, cygwin's libtool-1.5 and libtool-2.2 -derived packages
(4) cygwin's setup.exe does not known how to manage 'conflicting'
Therefore, to cleanly handle these issues, the libtoolX.Y packages have
been renamed, to plain 'libtool'. Because cygwin's setup.exe will only
allow a single version of a particular package installed at one time,
this handles the 'conflict' between libtool-1.5 and libtool-2.2: only
one can be installed at a time.
There should be no user-impact to these changes; setup.exe should
smoothly handle the 'upgrade' from the obsoleted 'libtool1.5' and
'libtool2.2' packages to the new 'libtool' ones.
Future plans
For the near term, the libtool-1.5.x-derived versions of libtool will be
'current'. libtool-2.2.x-derived versions of libtool will be available
as 'test' releases.
In the medium term, the libtool-1.5.x-derived versions of libtool will
be available under 'prev', while both 'current' and 'test' categories
will be libtool-2.2.x-derived.
In the long term, the official prev/curr/test 'slots' will all be
libtool-2.2.x-derived. libtool-1.5.x-derived versions of libtool will
only be available via setup.exe by directly clicking on the version
number in the Chooser, until the desired version appears.
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