On Apr 11 16:45, Christoph Herdeg wrote:
> btw.:
> your proposal to delete the variables in the batch that does start cygwin
> for the 1st time doesn't work. The variables are deleted before bash starts
> (echo $tmp is...nothing but this doesn't change anything; the same error
> occurs at the same place.
> Would it be feasible to hardcode the relevant scripts into /etc/profile?

Maybe.  I can't tell since I don't know what's the exact problem is.
But you can always simply try.

> BTW, if it is to late to delete the variables from /etc/profile...why do
> you ever bring up "unset"? "unset" is a Unix command and not available on
> Windows, as you know. That is exactly the point I am a little disturbed by
> - on the one side you don't really want to help "intensivly", but on the
> other side you provide me with irrelevant information that makes this
> thread unneccessarily longer than it had become if you had really wanted to
> help me in the 1st time.

Did I ever tell you in this thread I don't want to help you?

And, just for the records, I didn't bring up unset, you did it.
What I wrote in my original reply was:

   One workaround would be to delete these environment variables before
   bash is called.


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