> Subject: RE: Changing cygwin account name (cygwin only)
> --- Hussein Patwa ha scritto:
> > One more question though, how can I change the way bash 
> (and tcsh as I 
> > sometimes use it for a change) display the type prompt?  I use a 
> > screen reader and it can get tedious hearing it read out the whole 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] each time the prompt appears.  Can I change it to 
> just user, 
> > or rename the host part (which is a random laptop name 
> ACER-12345678 
> > for example) to say just [EMAIL PROTECTED] without changing the windows 
> > name for it?  I'd experiment with passwd, but I'm not sure if the 
> > machine name given in there is taken from windows, or 
> whether it would 
> > break if I changed it.
> > Hope this makes sense.
> > Sorry, but after all the problems, download, install, delete, 
> > re-install cycles I've had this weekend I'm weary of doing 
> anything on 
> > my own that might break what's an almost perfect setup now.
> >  
> to redefine the prompt you need to assign a  new value to variable PS1
> for your scope should be something simple as PS1='\w\n\$ '
> so you have only the current directory and no username and host.
> http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/howtos/Bash-Prompt/Bash-Prompt-HO
> WTO-2.html
> To define it permanenly, add the command to the file .bashrc 
> in your home dir.

Thanks very much.  I'll have a read through this and a play around.  I might
see if I can have a second install of cygwin to play with so I don't break
my main working one through all my experimenting.


Kind Regards and Best Wishes,

Hussein Patwa.
Tel: 0789 47 595 62

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