Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Mar 16 00:34, Charles Wilson wrote:
P.S. cgf or Corinna, two questions: (1) is it possible to create a CVS module for this on the cygwin-apps repository, and (2) do you think it would be a good idea to do so?
cygwin-apps was created for this sort of projects, so afaics, the answer
is (1) yes and (2) yes.  Don't you already have cygwin-apps r/w access?
Yes, I do. But I'm not sure that it extended beyond the cygutils module 
itself -- or even if I *could* do that on my own, whether i *should* do 
it on my own without prior approval.
I'll take your email as permission, and go ahead and create the module 
myself later today.  If it doesn't work, I'll get back to you.

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