
I  have a linux serial port problem compiled by Cygwin on window, it
runs fine if it connects a 9-pin serial cable and the device name is
/dev/ttyS0 (it does not work with com1, I have to translate it to
/dev/ttyS0). The problem is when I run the program in a PC without a
physical 9-pin serial port on hardware:

(1) If there is no USB Serial adaptor connected, it still opens
/dev/ttyS0 without any errors. Then, it sends data to that port, and
timeout (does not work).

(2) If I plug a USB-Serial adaptor and change the device name to
/dev/ttyUSB0, it opens that port witout problem but cannot connect to
the serial device.

Any advice please.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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