Dr. Volker Zell schrieb:
Reini Urban writes:
    > I've updated perl-Win32-GUI to the new upstream release,
    > for the current stable perl-5.8.8.

win32-gui-demos.pl doesn't core dump anymore but the demos don't run
from the launcher script.

Running them directly from the commandline works.

Yes, the upstream launcher is still broken, and I didn't want to
fix that.
My hackish patch would have been:

diff -bu win32-gui-demos.pl~ ./win32-gui-demos.pl
--- win32-gui-demos.pl~ 2008-02-15 19:26:31.001000000 +0000
+++ ./win32-gui-demos.pl        2008-02-16 15:33:01.265625000 +0000
@@ -445,9 +445,10 @@
# warn "Failed to start \"$options->{current}\": $^E" unless $result;
     #else {
+ # Win32::GUI::ShellExecute(window, operation, file, parameters, director
y, showcmd)
         my $result = $control->ShellExecute("open",
             #$options->{wperl} ? $options->{perl} : $options->{perl},
-            $options->{perl},
+            "perl.exe",
             "$extra_opts \"$options->{current}\"",
             "", SW_SHOWDEFAULT);

By the way, is there any reason the cygwin specific README is empty.

Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/  http://murbreak.at/
http://helsinki.at/  http://spacemovie.mur.at/

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