2008/1/26, Bayu Adiwibowo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Sir/Madame,
> Recently I have problem uninstalling cygwin snapshot 20070813 in Windows
> XP SP2, i already search in cygwin mailing list and  google for
> "cyglsa.dll problem" but didn't get anything that looked promising.
> I already follow uninstalling procedure from Cygwin FAQ but  the error
> happen permission denied can't delete cyglsa.dll.  When I look at cygwin
> snapshot packet, i find that cyglsa-config script making entry in
> "/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Lsa/Authentication
> Packages", but no argument to uninstall

dont delete, otherwise you will not be able to login!
restore it to the default value:

> It's clear that Windows using cyglsa.dll, so I think deleting this
> registry entry maybe solve the problem. I run regedt32 with admin
> account (runas /user:computername\admin regedt32) back-up my registry in
> case something wrong, deleting this entry keys, restarting computer and
> delete cygwin along with  cyglsa.dll. But the problem come when i
> restarting windows it's acts strange i can't drag-drop icon in desktop,
> can't restoring file from recycle bin, can't paste file. When i try to
> look at system services almost all crucial services stopped (windows
> can't load services).
> Would someone provide a pointer or what is in my uninstalling prosedure
> missing ?
> --
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Reini Urban
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