Brian Dessent - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote:
>> and there is of course no such file as
> "/usr/bin/ssmtp-config^M".  Solution:
>> ls -l $(cygcheck -l ssmtp | d2u)
> ...which is precisely what "cygcheck -c ssmtp" does.
> Specifically, it prints OK if all the files are present.
> But this is all a red herring.  You said you have some kind
> of problem with ssmtp but you only described an unrelated
> problem with using cygcheck.  Describe the actual problem --
> what are you trying to accomplish, what have you done so far
> to get there, and what happens when you do that?
Sorry. I try again to describe my problem.

I tried to get mail from my cron jobs, so I like to make a link from
ssmt to sendmail. But there ist no file installed.

I started setup an reinstalled ssmtp but the files are still missing. I
deleted ssmtp with setup. And Installed ssmpt new but still no files on
the disk. 

I didn't see any error on reinstalling and installing the ssmtp.

I'm using Setup.exe version 2.573.2.2

Thank for any help 


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