On 21 January 2008 17:49, Robert Jason Meerman wrote:

> I also had this problem, but I managed to solve it and wanted to share
> my solution with the mailing list.
> C:\cygwin\etc\setup\bash.lst.gz   was corrupt, opening it in WinRAR
> and trying to view the file inside it resulted in an error about
> "Unexpected end of file". I deleted this file, ran setup.exe and just
> kept hitting "Next". Bash upgraded fine and setup exited normally.

  Hmm, we should really try and merge this thread with the other ongoing
threads about this exact same problem!  

  BTW, in case just deleting it doesn't work - and when I suggested it to Wei
it didn't work, I just posted a recipe to regenerate the list file from the
tarball in your local package storage dir:

  It's also possible that the tarball in the package directory might be
corrupted and this somehow causes the problem, in which case we would expect
to see an error message during the attempt to regenerate the lst.gz file.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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