Macalalad, Jun wrote:

> Thanks David. 
> Thanks again for the help

You're welcome.  :-)  Please help someone else if/when you have the chance.
Please keep this thread on the Cygwin list so other people can find it (e.g.
hit "Reply to All").

> Cron works on other scripts but not with a perl script. If it's the
> environment (we are running korn instead of the bash default), it
> might be good to create a wrapper script in korn shell.

It's been a while since I used the Korn shell, but I seem recall that it
also processed a profile script for interactive logins (.profile?).  You
should read the Korn shell manual page to find out and/or get a copy of the
O'Reilly book (I have one and it was very helpful when I was using the Korn

> Does cron use bash default profile for the login to run?  That could
> be the key.

It's also been a while since I had to solve cron problems, but I believe
cron doesn't use any shell -- it just launches whatever program and
arguments you feed it (via one of the exec() calls?).  So if you want to run
shells, scripts, etc., you have to do whatever set up your code expects.  



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