Help with the below.


unsolicited wrote, On 1/07/08 1:20 AM:
No doubt these questions have been asked before. However I have not found the answer. If someone would kindly send me a link to the answers, I'd appreciate it.

C:\cygwin\bin> bash -l -i
Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the user to personalise
their cygwin experience.

These will never be overwritten.


What up?


I was using cygwin happily, but haven't for some time.

Evidently, along the way, I set my XP HOME environment variable to I:\me, where I: is a mapped (non-local) network drive on all but 1 computer. Local as in mapping to my own machine. Here 'net share Data=D:\Data', 'net use I: \\mymachine\data'.

As per mailing list / google search, I have changed /etc/password 'me' line from /home/me to /cygdrive/i/me.

But the above still happens.

(1) How do I have my home directory on a network share, so I get the same environment regardless of the machine I'm running cygwin on.

[One list message indicates home directory in passwd is not paid attention to, so I tried deleting it, i.e. :: - same result.]

If I 'set home=/home/me' before calling bash -l -i, things work as expected. If I only 'bash -i' things work as expected. Including the ability to cd /cygdrive/i/me. If I'm in that directory and call 'bash -i', my .bashrc runs.

(2) exit at $ hangs bash?

bash-3.2$ exit {or Ctrl-D}

And that's it. bash hangs. I have to end process bash.



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