On Jan 4, 2008 12:43 AM, Mr Webber <captain_webber @
flaminhotcheetomail.com> wrote:
> Just a guess here.
> The relative location of the setup.exe and the download directory must be
> the same.  Check the .ini file for proof of this. And make sure the download
> folder name maintains the escape codes.

Correct my good sir!

it is true that if you plan to install cygwin appropriately in say,
Q:\cygwin\, that you must create that dir yourself, place setup.exe
there, and then use that... there are some tricks that you can pull
This is what _i_ do periodically, when production is stopped and i
consider it stable:
a) grab a BIG hd (last i checked there were some 1.2 gigs of packages?
am i correct here?)
b) throw setup.exe into that harddrive under the ROOT of the drive
c) select to dl packages only
d)select a mirror
e)select EVERYTHING. yes ladies and gentlemen, you want EVERYTHING.
this makes keeping the versions simple.
f)dl to say (the big hd):cygwin-packages\  ... move to target machine
g)run setup.exe and tell it that you want to install from a local repository
i)select to install to C:\Cygwin (or wherever your target is)
j) enjoy ;) all you have to do to deal with packages is re-run the
setup.exe in the removable drive/hdd that you used... it'll know what
to look for.

i've used this on four machines now with 1 DVD and a total of 2
downloads: setup.exe and all the packages.
works every time.

my current idea: its stable... theres no major developments happening.
Morgan gangwere

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"Space does not reflect society, it expresses it." -- Castells, M.,
Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in
the Information Age, in The Cybercities Reader, S. Graham, Editor.
2004, Routledge: London. p. 82-93.

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