On 26 December 2007 15:49, Kevin Hilton wrote:

> The official squid documentation keeps talking of a Cygwin users
> guide, however I cant find any link to this guide.  

On 29 December 2007 02:38, Kevin Hilton wrote:

> So any of you geniuses that pointed me to the Cygwin users guide want
> to tell me specifically where the squid section is located??   Thanks
> for no help at all.  I asked specifically about squid as it related to
> cygwin, or perhaps you guys were too busy to show me how smart you
> were.

  You have misunderstood what the "official squid documentation" was talking 
when it referred to the "cygwin users guide"; it was referring to the cygwin 
guide, which is the general cygwin operating instructions that you got referred 
and not to any specific cygwin *squid* users guide.

  Being an ass about it will not resolve the situation, although it might make 
feel better.

  I don't run squid myself, but I took a look at the package listing.  Have you 
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/squid-2.6.STABLE17.README and everything in
/usr/share/doc/squid-2.6.STABLE17/?  Those are the first places to start.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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