Thorsten Kampe wrote:

> > > $ /usr/sbin/sshd -d -d -d -D
> >
> > That's a very bad idea.
> Kevin is obviously trying to debug things (noticed the triple "-d"?)
> so this is a really good idea...

I know what the sshd options mean, and no, it's really not a good idea
in the slightest.  Trying to debug sshd by starting it as a user is all
kinds of wrong.  All the file permissions will be wrong, so even if
things are perfectly setup correctly, this will fail.  If you modify the
permissions to make this "debugging" work then the service will then
fail to start, and as I already said normal users lack the required
privileges to switch user context so this "debugging" will do nothing
but prove you can break things.  It's a thoroughly bad idea unless you
are running a SYSTEM-owned shell.


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