
A new version of 'openldap/libopenldap2_3_0/openldap-devel' has been uploaded 
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Lightweight Directory Access Protocol clients, servers and libraries.


 o Routine update


OpenLDAP 2.3.39 Release (2007/10/26)
        Fixed slapd database/overlay config conflict (ITS#4848)
        Fixed slapd password_hash config order (ITS#5082)
        Fixed slapd slap_mods_check bug (ITS#5119)
        Fixed slapd ACL sets memory handling (ITS#4860,ITS#4873)
        Fixed slapd ordered values add normalization issue (ITS#5136)
        Fixed slapd-bdb DB_CONFIG conversion bug (ITS#5118)
        Fixed slapd-ldap search control parsing (ITS#5138)
        Fixed slapd-ldap SASL idassert w/o authcId
        Fixed slapd-ldif directory separators in DN (ITS#5172)
        Fixed slapd-meta conn caching on bind failure (ITS#5154)
        Fixed slapd-meta bind timeout assertion (ITS#5185)
        Fixed slapd-sql concurrency issue (ITS#5095)
        Fixed slapo-chain double-free (ITS#5137)
        Fixed slapo-pcache and -rwm interaction fix (ITS#4991) 
        Fixed slapo-pcache non-null terminated array crasher (ITS#5163)
        Fixed slapo-rwm modlist handling (ITS#5124)
        Fixed slapo-rwm UUID in filter (ITS#5168)
        Fixed sasl SASL_SSF_EXTERNAL type (ITS#3864)
        Fixed liblber Windows x64 portability (ITS#5105)
        Fixed libldap ppolicy control creation (ITS#5103)
        Build Environment
                Fixed termios macro check (ITS#4880)
                Updated Makefiles
                Fixed slapd-bdb(5) note about dbconfig directives (ITS#5134)
                Added slapd-sql(5) empty oc mapping workaround (ITS#4785)
                Added max-depth/return-error to slapo-chain(5)
                slapadd/slapindex note about file ownership (ITS#5166)
                slapcat note about using against running slapd (ITS#5028)
                Fixed Admin Guide URL in README (ITS#5107)

OpenLDAP 2.3.38 Release (2007/08/20)
        Fixed slapadd check for ';binary' when required (ITS#5071)
        Fixed slapd select_backend/ManageDSAit (ITS#4986)
        Fixed slapd integer/pointer types and overflow (ITS#5035)
        Fixed slapd AVA_Sort on multivalued RDNs (ITS#5057)
        Fixed slapd LDIF parsing error handling (ITS#5090)
        Fixed slapd syncrepl searchbase scope (ITS#5073)
        Fixed slapd-bdb missing index warning (ITS#5037)
        Fixed slapd-bdb Quick index for ID 0 (ITS#5052)
        Fixed slapd-bdb spurious empty DN warnings during add (ITS#5079)
        Fixed slapd-hdb slapacl behavior (ITS#5087)
        Fixed slapd-relay configuration (ITS#4322,ITS#4340)
        Fixed slapd-sql structuralObjectClass issue (ITS#5088)
        Fixed slapo-ppolicy double-free on shutdown (ITS#5094)
        Fixed slapo-rwm/slapd-meta dup attrs after mapping (ITS#5091)
        Fixed slapo-syncprov uninit'd vars (ITS#5048,#5049)
        Fixed libldap ldap_add_result_entry (ITS#5056)
        Added client tools support for ppolicy response (ITS#5061)
        Removed lint
        Build Environment
                Fixed macro definition of open() in glibc 2.6 (ITS#5075)
                aspell --lang=en_US -c <manpage> (ITS#5076)
                Debug messages cleaned up (ITS#5085)

OpenLDAP 2.3.37 Release (2007/07/20)
        Fixed slapd-glue/syncprov interaction (ITS#4623)
        Fixed slapd-ldap search reference crash (ITS#5025)
        Fixed slapd-ldbm crash on Compare op (ITS#5044)
        Fixed slapo-rwm searchFilter double free (ITS#5043)
        Clarified slapd-perl SampleLDAP.pm usage (ITS#4995)
                Fixed slapd.conf(5) for default loglevel (ITS#5027)

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