On 20 November 2007 15:48, Jeff Bader wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 05:09:23PM -0800, Jeff Bader wrote:
>>>>> Yes...the index... but it's not in the packages that come with the
>>>>> most current version of "setup.exe," right? Shouldn't it be in this
>>>>> list (picture)?
>>>> Your subject should be a clue as to what category w32api is available
>>>> under.  It is "Libs".
>>> Nope. Not there.
>>   Oh yes it is.  Look closer.  It's between 'ucl' and 'xdelta-devel'.

> I don't have either of those.

  That isn't the 'Libs' category, that's the "full" view, but point taken.  If
you're using the "Install from local directory" option, it'll only show the
packages that are already downloaded, i.e. it presents you with the choices
you have locally.  If you select "install from internet" or "download without
installing", you'll get the full list of what's available on the mirror you
choose - which will include w32api.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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