Bing Ho wrote:
I have been unable to start sshd as a service with a Vista Home Basic
installation. It works fine for my Vista Premium install, and several XP
Pro installations. Have you heard of any Vista Home Basic issues? I have
installed cygwin as an administrator and use the supplied
ssh-host-config script.
I receive several different errors, 1062 and 1069 being most common. I
have tried with and without privilege separation. Running sshd -d - d -d
-D indicates that /var/empty must be "owned by root and not group or
world-writable" - as far as I can tell, ssh-host-config should have set
those permissions correctly. Changing them myself with chmod or through
Vista does not seem to fix the problem, although it is entirely possible
that I have the wrong permissions set.
# net helpmsg 1069
The service did not start due to a login failure.
Sounds like the user that's running the service is not authorized for
your machine. How did you configure it?
There is no 'root' in Windows. The user you're looking for is either
'SYSTEM' or, if you configured ssh-host-config this way, 'sshd_server'.
You may find comparing your installation and configuration of your
Vista Premium and/or XP installations to your Vista Home Basic helpful.
Last, and most certainly not least, if you're still having trouble:
Problem reports:
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
A: Yes.
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