On Oct 17 22:18, Eric Lilja wrote:
> Hi, I haven't used cygwin much the past month or so and I definetly haven't 
> tampered with its setting, but when I launched it today I was surprised to 
> find that my keyboard layout had changed from swedish to american. It had 
> only changed in bash not in any other program. I'm running an american 
> version of XP but I'm using a Swedish keyboard. The language bar or 
> whatever it's called (that allows toggling layouts, you might not have seen 
> this if you run american xp with american keyboard) that sits near the 
> clock was disabled soon after first installing XP on this computer. I'm 

This has nothing to do with Cygwin.  Did you never try to get the
language bar back after installing XP?  It's a setting in Start
Menu->Control Panel->Regional and Language Options->Tab "Languages"
->Button "Details..."->Tab "Settings"->Button "Language Bar..." Here's a
Checkbox "Show the Language bar on the desktop".


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