Alexey Illarionov wrote:

I have just installed cygwin using setup.exe and know almost nothing
about it. I made no changes in any configuration files and launch my
cygwin session just by starting the unchanged 'cygwin.bat' file.

I wrote a small script. Here is the content of the ''

cd /cygdrive/c

Unfortunately, it does not work. The command './' does nothing.

That's not true. It does something, but it does it in a sub-process that's started by your interactive shell (then waits for that process to terminate before issuing another prompt). So that new process does indeed change directory, but the shell process that's waiting doesn't.

I found in FAQ that the problem is not new, but I'm not sure that I
understand correctly the way to overcome it. There are two possible
sources of this problem as it is wrote in FAQ.
1. Bash does not understand that it is executable file. This should be
fixed by first line of my script '#!/bin/sh'
2. Some problems with chmod. I don't really understand what I should
do in this case, but it looks like this is not the case because 'chmod
+x' works fine.

Both those issues are to do with making sure your shell script is correcttly treated as executable.

I would really appreciate if anyone could help to deal with this problem.

Hope this helps.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd 
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