From: Brian Dessent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Yes, those symlinks in /etc are explicitly created with Win32 
> paths by the base-files postinstall script.  I think the 
> reasoning here is that if a POSIX path were used for the 
> target of the symlink then it would have to be updated if the 
> user ever changed the name of the /cygdrive prefix, whereas 
> just using a Win32 path is always correct and insulates from 
> that variable.

I appreciate your taking the time to read my suggestion and respond so
quickly with such a complete clear and complete explanation.  

As an alternative suggestion, how about using forward slashes instead of
backwards slashes ("C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts") in the
base-files postinstall script?  That would allow pasting the "ls -l"
ouput to "cd", without using the riskier "/cygdrive" prefix.

Matt Seitz
Manager, File System Virtualization
Cisco Systems, Inc.

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