Charles Wilson wrote:
> I want to show off a good-looking rxvt, not a least-common-denominator
> bag-over-the-head-ugly rxvt.
> However, for "native" mode? I can't /really/ fix that, if you insist on
> relying on undocumented default behavior.  The recommended method of
> starting rxvt in native mode is to always specify a font (and explicitly
> force native display mode), using windows not x11 naming convention.  E.g.
> rxvt -display :0 -fn "Lucida Console-16"

Why should it be become mandatory to explicitly specify a font when
starting rxvt in native mode? I've been happily using native mode rxvt
with the default font for a long time.

I don't think it makes sense to now start shipping rxvt with a font
configuration which leaves native mode broken out-of-the-box.


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