On 10 September 2007 12:31, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) wrote:

> Erich Dollansky wrote on Monday, September 10, 2007 1:47 AM:
>> David FAY XX (SY/EPA) wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am having problems opening cygwin. A window pops up when I double
>>> click on the shortcut on the desktop but it immediately closes.
>>> Cygwin is installed in the following location: c:/cygwin. Any
>>> suggestions? I'm using Windows XP. Also in setup.log file in
>>> /var/log directory it says "Installation Complete" Are there other
>>> log files I could check to see what is going on?
>>> Regards,
>>> David
>> Hi,
>> did you edit the batch file which starts cygwin?
>> If not, do so.
>> All you need to know is inside the batch file.
>> Erich
> You might also try opening a cmd.exe window and run cygwin.bat there. 
> You'll be able to see any error messages. 

  The most likely cause of the problem would be a failure during installation
that left a DLL or EXE missing somewhere.  If you re-run setup.exe, telling it
to "Install from local package directory", and just clicking 'OK' all the way
through the various options, it should have a second go and tidy up anything
that got missed first time.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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