Problem: after installing cygwin-1.5.24-2, most things work but I've
noticed a few things that don't work: perl and subversion (svn).
Specifically, the programs do absolutely nothing... command line
arguments are ignored, there is no output, and the commands appear to do
nothing. There are no error messages, no entries in the event log, etc.
Detailed background:
I have used a cygwin for about 8-9 years for bridge development between
linux and windows. I currently run 1.5.14 and have used it consistently
for a year or more. I loaded 1.5.24-2 from three different sites, all
with the same result, the latest being In an
effort to identify the installation problem, I simplified the
installation to: default install for everything, then force install for
development, system and vim. The installation runs fine, completes, and
bash and my .bashrc and vim and a variety of things work. Perl does
nothing and svn does nothing.
In an effort to see what the problem might be, I focussed on perl
(although interesting, this info may not be helpful):
- I loaded source for perl 5.8.8, ran Configure, but the compile fails
because of conflicting vsprintf declarations.
- I loaded source for perl 5.6.2, ran Configure, with a few less
errors, but still failure in the compile. I fixed the compile by
modifying config.h (to say that I had vsprintf, which indeed the
environment does), and the compile works, but the make fails later with
an unsupported call to opendir.
- I switched back to cygwin 1.5.14, and for grins, tried the build for
both perl 5.8.8 and 5.6.2... both worked fine.
Perhaps the cygwin dll is in transition... Please help.
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