On 20 August 2007 18:16, Aaron Gray wrote:

Unmodified GCC 4.2.0 compiles okay, but when modified cracks appear, only on Vista though, XP is okay. So must be something to do with permissions.

 So, what tool did you use to 'modify' it?

A Windows text editor called Zeus.

I have been altering the C source code and some configureation and
gcc/makefile but AFAICT nothing that should effect gcc/configure though.

Its all very odd.

Hopefully I shall get to the bottom of it if I perservere, but any help or
suggestions are welcome.

Well, why don't you actually *look* at those perms, instead of asking people who have no access to your computer and no idea what you've been doing to make random guesses? All your descriptions are way too vague for any attempt at
remote diagnosis.

Sorry I will have a look but I am not very strong in this area.


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