Unfortunately I'm having exactly the same problem with rsyncing from a Vista
machine to an OS X server. I thought it was because I was using the -a flag
(which includes preserving permissions) but removing that argument didn't
solve the problem.

DaveB wrote:
> My cygwin on Vista seems to work but when I try to do rsync to fixup files
> on my unix ftp server, it chokes with lots of errors and does a bizarre
> reset of the permission bits for the destination folder.  Here's what
> happens: 
> [this is the same rsync command that works fine on XP]: 
> =========================== 
> $ rsync -avz --stats --progress -e ssh .
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mypath/wherever/ 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: xxxxxx 
> building file list ... 
> 8 files to consider 
> ./ 
> rsync: failed to modify permissions on "/mypath/wherever/.": Permission
> denied (13) 
> rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat "/mypath/wherever/firstfile.xxx":
> Permission denied (13) 
> rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat "/mypath/wherever/secondfile.xxx":
> Permission denied (13) 
> ...etc... 
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mypath/wherever/." failed: Permission
> denied (13) 
> *** Skipping everything below this failed directory *** 
> ...etc...stats...then... 
> rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at
> /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.6.6/main.c(791) 
> ============================= 
> Then after I have done this, I find that the remote directory has had all
> its permission bits turned off (chmod 0) and the files in the folder are
> not sync'd.  As I said, this is a sequence I have used many times on XP
> and continues to work there. 

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