On 16 July 2007 15:12, Bernd Bartmann wrote:

> On 7/16/07, Dave Korn wrote:
>>   Bernd, please abide by the list etiquette of not quoting people's email
>> addresses in the raw, as they end up on the web archive and get harvested
>> by spammers.  (See http://cygwin.com/acronyms#PCYMTNQREAIYR for
>> justification). 
> Dave, thanks for the hint. I'll try to take care of this in the
> future, but I really think this should be done central on the mailing
> list server by the mailing list software that creates the list
> archives.

  In the general case it can't, since there are an awful lot of things that
are not email address but follow the format "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", many of which 
command-line options that we really need to be able to post to the list
without munging.

e.g.      ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED], for example.

>>   There should be no need to go that far.  If you just re-run setup.exe,
>> choosing "Install from internet"  and then clicking "Next" all the way
>> through without altering anything, it should just update your installation
>> and, as part of that, it will verify the installed packages and attempt to
>> install anything missing.  So hopefully it'll only download anything that
>> failed last time, or if it downloaded ok but the install step failed last
>> time, it'll just re-run the install step. 
>>   It should be much easier than redownloading the whole thing.  If for any
>> reason it doesn't work, you could try manually selecting the "libintl3"
>> package on the package chooser page to "Reinstall".
> The system I'm trying to install to is on a separate lab network that
> has no direct internet access. I need to take a CD or USB stick
> containing the install packages to the target system.

  Well, the first thing to do is check whether libintl3 is there in the
downloaded packages directory.  It should be in
<package-dir>/<mirror-name>/release/gettext/libintl3, and the md5sum of it
should match what's listed in the related setup.ini in
<package-dir>/<mirror-name>.  If that's the case, no need to redownload; just
take the directory across to the offline machine on the stick.  Otherwise,
yes, do the download again.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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