Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> However I have to say that I think that this is very much a cygwin
> question. Knowing what packages to install before doing something is a
> cygwin question and I got no sense that I had to do this on the gfortran
> site before downloading the tar file of executables for cygwin. The
> change from gcc (and friends) 4.2 to 4.3 is not something that is
> obvious unless you are really into these things. Thanks for your help

You would have had the exact same experience on a Linux or FreeBSD
system if you had downloaded a set of gcc4 binaries and ran them without
their prerequisite libraries installed, and that is the sense in which I
meant that it's not specific to Cygwin.

Like Larry said when gcc4 stabilizes to the point where we can offer it
as packages in setup.exe, then this problem won't exist as the packaging
system allows us to express the dependency information necessary to
automatically install the needed prerequisite packages without the user
having any domain-specific knowledge.  In that sense it's also a generic
problem that you encounter whenever you step outside the bounds of
whatever package management facility your operating system offers.


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