On 05 July 2007 17:01, goetz fischer wrote:

> Corinna Vinschen wrote:

>> What about my request of a more detailed problem description instead?
> what else should i say? i submitted the cygcheck output and there's
> nothing left to tell.

  There's just about /everything/ left to tell.  What type of OS and machine
is the server?  What type of OS and machine is the client?  How did you
configure the server?  What command are you executing on the client?  What
actually was the error message that you mentioned earlier that is now gone?
Take a look at this quote from your original post:

" to be clear this is about using rsh with cygwin on vista. "

> did you ever work with mixed systems?

  You completely omitted to mention that fact.  In fact, you /still/ haven't
told us which end is the "real unix" box and which end is the cygwin+vista
box.  Nobody could start from the description in your post and reproduce
whatever it is that you've done because there is no detail in your
description.  An ideal bug report would have lots of stuff in it like "Then I
typed this into the server .... then I went to the client and ran this
command.... it gave this output ...." all with full examples, for preference
actually cut and pasted from a shell in which you have just run them.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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