On 05 July 2007 16:16, Bob McConnell wrote:

>>   But unless you can http://cygwin.com/acronyms#PPAST, you're
>> just holding up
>> a black box and saying "There's magic stuff in here and it's
>> broke, does
>> anyone know why", to which the only answer is of course "Depends what the
>> magic stuff in the box is and does, about which we know
>> nothing, because it's
>> /your/ magic box and we've never seen it before".
> The simple test case would be the entire program, since it is less then
> 600 lines of code. But you will also need an appropriate server for it
> to talk with, which I cannot provide.
  Then it's not really a simple test case.  To me, a "simple testcase" would
involve seeing if you could hack out all the actual serial comms stuff,
replacing the input with say reading data from an array and replacing the
output with dropping it on the floor, so that you stripped down your app to
the basics: two threads talking to each other using cvars and mutexes to
operate a message queue between them.

  In the course of stripping it down, you might well find the problem
disappeared when you removed a certain area of code, which would give you a
big clue to where the problem was arising.  Sometimes, just /attempting/ to
make a testcase is enough of a debugging effort by itself.  If not, at least
you have something that other people can just run and try to reproduce and
debug the problem.

> In addition, the application was
> built on code licensed under the GPL, and posting it on a mailing list
> would constitute distribution. But I cannot publish my additions under
> the GPL, so rather than violate that license, I need a specific
> individual email destination that will not forward it to a publicly
> available location. 

  You misunderstand the GPL.  You cannot forbid someone from distributing the
derived work under any circumstances.  You can ask them nicely to voluntarily
not distribute it, but the agreement would not in any way be binding, and they
would still have a legally-enforcable right to redistribute it, regardless of
any personal understanding you may have reached between yourselves; gpl rights
cannot be waived.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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