Where can I get a full set of Cygwin man pages for the C library? I am
tired of seeing this:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] gcc -o usim UnivSIM.c -Wall
   UnivSIM.c:549: error: too few arguments to function `gettimeofday'
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] man gettimeofday
   No manual entry for gettimeofday

I have the same problem with a number of other functions. I can get the
pages for bash and Perl functions, but nothing for the C library.

   CYGWIN_NT-5.0 1.5.24(0.156/4/2) 2007-01-31 10:57
   Win2KPro SP 4

Thank you,

Bob McConnell
Principal Communications Programmer
The CBORD Group, Inc.
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Ithaca NY, 14850
Phone 607 257-2410
FAX 607 257-1902
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