On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 03:24:45AM +0800, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>Brian Dessent, le Wed 06 Jun 2007 02:42:50 -0700, a ?crit :
>> > Mmm, because for a blind person this is a very basic package?
>> Perhaps, but that doesn't mean that most Cygwin users are blind.
>Indeed, but as pointed out by DaveK2:
>> Last I heard, setup.exe was not particularly friendly wrt screen readers
>> (cf. package selection).
>I can confirm that.
>> Hence the visually impaired would have difficulty selecting brltty for
>> installation.
>> > Are packages from the Base category automatically installed?
>> Yes, setup automatically selects everything in Base for installation,
>Ah, I didn't know that, is that documented somewhere??
Yes: http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/setup-net.html

>That would make programming less easy.  Brltty can communicate with
>other (potentially non-cygwin) applications with tcp/ip (remotely) or
>local pipes (locally, more efficiently).  For keeping compatibility
>with other applications for local pipes, windows pipes are used.
>Mixing cygwin sockets and windows local pipes is not particularly fun,
>so that's why we end up just using windows socket and
>WaitForMultipleObjects() in a separate thread.

You haven't really described why the linux-like pipe() command is
inadequate for anything that an application needs.  Merely stating that
"mixing cygwin sockets and windows local pipes is not...  fun" is not
really an argument for not doing it.  I have no idea what you're talking
about there but regardless if this is a hybrid windows/cygwin program
then we'll have to reconsider its inclusion in the distribution.

Unless there is good reason, the cygwin distribution really is supposed
to be comprised of programs which use the linux API.


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