* John (Fri, 25 May 2007 13:07:23 -0400)
> I just upgraded cygwin after leaving it dormant
> for about 2 years. It was working properly before,
> but now things are broken.

Two years without updates? Now that's severely broken...
> I got the multiple cygwin1.dll message, actually
> pointing to c:\windows\system32\cygwin1.dll . But
> that file is not there! I did a Windows find, and
> found another copy, but it was in an archive, I
> let it remove it, and I have rebooted dozens of times
> now and the multiple message still comes up, but Windows
> finds no other copies other than c:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll.
> As does a cygwin "find" on the c device.
> I have tried to find an answer on the web site and by
> just googling, and there is information, but basically
> it says find the others and delete them. I can't find
> the other one.
> I've downgraded cygwin to the previous version, rebooted
> many times, and the setup.exe still complains about the
> phantom file.
> http://users.tkk.fi/~mlinjaah/cygwin_problem_make.html
> suggests running in cygwin:
> ===
> cygcheck -s -v -r > check.txt
> and open the generated file check.txt in your favorite text editor. 

Actually you shouldn't post the file as /attachment/ here...

> Search keyword "warning" in the document. Especially, if you find line:
> Warning: There are multiple cygwin1.dlls on your path
> ===

And it doesn't say where the other ones are?

> Indeed, I found the warning in the output, but I am hesitant
> to remove things from the path because it may break other
> installed software.

It's your software. You installed it there. So you should know what's 
in there. Anyway: simply removing an element from the path doesn't 
"break" anything - you just have to type the full name. You don't have 
to have any Cygwin knowledge for that - basic Windows and Unix 
knowledge is enough for that.

> In the cygcheck output above, I also see a number of Warnings about
> g77, like:
> Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe hides c:\g77\bin\gcc.exe
> are they of any concern?

Is that a serious question? Why do you install two compilers?! You 
/must/ have already noticed that one of them is not what you used to 
get when you type gcc. If you don't need them uninstall them both.

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