Brian Dessent wrote:
Jim Marshall wrote:

Here is the cygcheck -svr output.

Hmm, you're using a local NTFS drive and $CYGWIN is not set to anything
strage.  So no more clues there.

What are the attributes of the .lnk files?  What happens if you manually
delete them and recreate them as working symlinks by hand?


Again many thanks for the help. I manually created the links and it resulted in the same behavior.I did some more looking around and it appeared that the /usr/lib/gcc/3.4.4/i686-pc-mingw directory suffered the same problem (it had .lnk files). So I went into the cygwin setup.exe and uninstalled all of the mingw stuff. Setup complained that parts of the main gcc stuff required mingw tools, I unchecked the box so that setup would remove the mingw stuff anyway. When I looked on the HD all of the mingw directories were still there. I manually deleted all the files in these directories (/usr/i686-pc-mingw and /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-mingw32). I then reran the cygwin setup and had it install the mingw tools. This fixed the problem. I am presuming that the setup was not actually erasing the mingw files from the HD (as evidenced by what I saw) so that was causing the problem in that when setup was not properly over-writing the existing files.

Again thanks.

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