* Jennifer Young (Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:37:13 -0700 (PDT))
> Very new user installing cygwin for the first time on
> new pc.  Trying to run perl program that has been used
> a number of times (probably not the problem)
> Followed all the instructions on install and all
> instructions in faq and user docs that could assist.
> Installed the base and all the packages with 'perl' in
> the name plus a bunch of other ones.
> to run my program, I was instructed to use command:
> $ perl preprocesstest.pl -o buffer -n 2 -t 00:00:000
> -l 300
> (-o = output, -n = number in test, -t = start time, -l
> = length of time of test)
> system returns:
> bash perl: command not found

Bash cannot find perl. That's pretty clear, isn't it? Either there is 
not perl or it is not where bash is searching it. Search for perl.exe 
with your favourite search program. It should be below C:\cygwin and 
verify that the path to perl.exe (if there is one) is in your shell 
("echo $PATH").

If there is no Perl, try reinstalling. If there is a perl.exe then 
specify the full path to the executable or adjust your path.

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