Brian Dessent wrote:
Ray Hurst wrote:
It was my understanding that if I write a C program and compiled it with
gcc that gcc used newlib for all of the stdlib functions including
malloc, realloc and free.
Gcc doesn't have any choice in the matter. All it knows is that there's
a C library on the system, that's it. It doesn't know nor care where or
how the C library is implemented.
In the case of Cygwin, the C library is provided by Cygwin, in the form
of cygwin1.dll. Cygwin relies on newlib to implement some things, but
malloc is not one of them.
Technically you are correct. gcc does not care. However, gcc is
typically used to invoke the linker which does care where the C library
is. Most command lines that use gcc to compile and link do not specify
where the C library is as gcc or the linker knows where it is.
What I am asking is how do these programs find the C library on a cygwin
system running on windows? Specifically. I am looking for the library
that contains the malloc function but I would like the general info also.
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