Aaron W. LaFramboise wrote:

> > I've been unable to successfully install Cygwin on an XP SP2
> > machine
> > after several tries.
> I have been able to install successfully, after repeated attempts.
> However, I have not really resolved the problem.


> It's possible I've fundamentally misunderstood the operation of
> setup.exe in some way or another; in fact, as a user of it since the
> beginning, I believe this is probably likely.  If so, I apologize,
> but
> nonetheless, this utility needs to be fixed so that these problems
> won't
> happen; or alternately be replaced by a more mature, better
> maintained
> alternative.

I have seen the same sort of behavior by setup.exe, but I download the
entire distribution every time.  When I select the 'Install' option
for the 'All' item, I would expect all packages in all categories to
install ... but they don't.  To get around it, I open up each category
and select 'Install' for each item.  It takes a while, but it always
seems to work.  Perhaps I get this behavior because the 'Hide obsolete
and administrative packages' checkbox is checked; this possibility
didn't occur to me until after the last time I upgraded, so I'll try
it next time.  Up until now, however, this has been such a minor issue
that I haven't worried about it.

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