Brian Dessent wrote on 09 April 2007 22:05:
> If you really want a compromise solution, you could modify 
> run to not depend on cygwin1.dll at link-time but instead 
> LoadLibrary() it at runtime, and if that fails fall back to 
> whatever the native version would have done.  Thus you get a 
> single executable that understands posix paths if the DLL is 
> in the PATH and still allows to you "run 
> c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe" (or whatever it is that you're 
> currently doing) if the DLL is not in the PATH.  Though that 
> itself may cause confusion...

That's a nice idea, but I suspect it would indeed cause more confusion
than any gain - especially when we're only talking about a 50k
executable. Imagine the program silently behaving differently if you
change the PATH. A nice "cygwin1.dll was not found" error message is
usually preferable :-)

I hope that a separately-named (small) executable, perhaps installed
elsewhere, will be acceptable.


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 Tim Adye      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 BaBar/Atlas Groups, Particle Physics Dept, Rutherford Appleton Lab

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