On 15 January 2007 14:48, Dave Korn wrote:

> On 15 January 2007 14:03, Pierre Baillargeon wrote:
>> About the reason why the last 64K just before 2GB can't be used in
>> Windows, I'll refer you to this post in The Old New Thing blog by
>> Raymond Chen, who regularly discusses such obscure compatibility issues.
>> See http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2003/10/08/55239.aspx.
>> (Short answer: it has to do with address fixup when loading executable
>> image and the influence of the alpha processor on the design.)
>   Presumably you got that link from the post about six posts back in this
> thread where it was first mentioned...?  ;)
>   http://cygwin.com/acronyms#YSHFRTT!

  Also, it should be pointed out that this is not the real problem here.  We
aren't rebasing a DLL into the no-man's land, so the question of what kinds of
relocs the linker supports isn't relevant.  The problem is that we were handed
this address by allocating virtual memory, and it violates the 64k granularity
expectation because the upper part of it is overlaid by the fs: segment and so
there is no linear address available to map the upper part of the ds: space.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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