I must have googled the wrong terms, for the only reference I found [apparently] left out a few details. My installation of XP (home) wouldn't allow the service to run as system (it would just exit with a cryptic error from Windows that it wasn't allowed to do something vague -- I suspect it was trying to change users but I don't know for sure).
If run as another user the setup of the var directory is critical, all 
permissions need to be just so or it exits without starting (or giving 
any useful error message in the log file).  Also, the paths as 
distributed don't agree with the ones in the howto from apache.org, I 
couldn't find / didn't know where to look for, a *real* cygwin version 
by the package maintainer.
I'm sure that such a howto exists but I just couldn't find it.  Could 
someone who has set up apache as a service please point me to the 
correct document if it exists?
I did finally get it running as a service, but that required setting 
permissions on /var/run more permissive than I would like.  Sadly on XP 
home, you cannot define new groups so you have to choose from 
Administrators, Users, or None.  I don't want apache to run as an 
administrator for security reasons, but I'm not sure that giving write 
access to the /var/run directory to Users is a good thing either (am I 
wrong here?).
I suppose there is a way to tell apache to put its .pid file in a 
different directory, so this might be the best approach if I knew how to 
do it.  (like /var/run/apache/...)
If the howto is in need of work, I'm not just complaining, but willing 
to work on it under the maintainer's direction if such help is needed 
and wanted.
I was running the native version of apache but plan to migrate this 
server to linux once volume picks up and didn't want a horrible job 
fixing things when I do that, so it seemed like a reasonable thing to 
switch to the cygwin version.  So far, other than the problem with the 
/var/run directory, which I can live with, it does everything I need.
I noticed while looking that httpd2 is available, should I be thinking 
about using that instead?  That is, are there compelling reasons to 
switch (such as support being dropped for version 1 or significant 

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