On Jan  9 04:04, Christopher Layne wrote:
> Real quick here and I'll follow up tomorrow. I don't get SIGSEGV
> in my application ever. I get an error back from mmap saying it
> cannot allocate memory when i'm simply trying to open a small
> file! The original events ere posted up in that first part of
> the strace - which is unmodified original behavior. Things did not
> start happening UNTIL the MEM_TOP_DOWN change.
Yes, I know.  I never said you get a SEGV from mmap, but you get the
SEGV in your testapp.  That's what I'm referring to.  mmap fails (just
fails, no SEGV, yes, I know)  because it fails to generate the filler
pages.  This should be really clear know from what I wrote.


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